In the sensory type of pyridium aphasia, information from the damaged (parietal-occipital) cortex is not transferred to Wernicke's area to be converted into a verbal form. The speech impairment resembles Wernicke's aphasia in many ways, except that the repetition of words is preserved. With a pronounced degree of aphasia, there is an echo-like repetition of words, phrases and sounds that the patient heard (echolalia).
With transcortical motor aphasia (which is usually observed with subcortical lesions of the frontal lobe, with partial restoration of speech function in the case of Broca's aphasia or abulia due to damage to the frontal cortex), the patient can only mutter something or mumble on his own, but at the same time he is unmistakably able to repeat phrases and even sentences he heard or read.
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Some modal-specific aphasias can be attributed to dissociation and dissociation syndromes. In isolated verbal mutism, a syndrome known by many names (including aphemia), the patient loses the ability to speak, but is able to write, understand spoken language, and read silently to himself.
With isolated verbal deafness, the patient hears but does not understand spoken language. Expressive speech remains normal. This disorder occurs when the dominant temporal lobe is damaged, involving Wernicke's area and dissociating it from the auditory receptor zone (Heschl's gyrus), as well as from the auditory zone of the opposite hemisphere (due to damage to the fibers of the corpus callosum). Isolated verbal blindness (visual verbal agnosia, alexia without agraphia) is discussed in our article along with other corpus callosum syndromes. Isolated agraphia is extremely rare, and the exact location of the lesion in the left frontal lobe has not been determined.
Achalasia cardia (cardiospasm, idiopathic esophageal dilation, megaesophagus, etc.) is a violation of Phenazopyridine pills opening of the lower esophageal sphincter and the evacuation of food into the stomach. The disease is not uncommon. Emergency conditions with achalasia of the cardia occur mainly with the appearance of retrosternal pain, aspiration of food masses, onaccumulated in the esophagus, and occasionally with acute dysphagia.